Love Your Life!

Hello and Happy New Year!

I hope you’ve had a restful and cozy week between Christmas and New Year. It’s my favorite time of the year, a liminal time that encourages introspection and seems a natural time for soft, slow-motion planning for the next year.

I don’t make resolutions for the New Year. Resolutions seem too brittle, subject to breaking into sharp-edged shards of regret and self-incrimination.

Instead, I like to set intentions.

Even though the two thoughts are similar, the setting of intentions is softer. More cottony, adaptive. If life gets in the way, nothing is broken, only squished aside until the intention can be picked up once again.

My intentions this year are to create more art, hike more miles, and catch more dreams. One of those dreams is to paint outside more often, and bring you along with me through this newsletter.

What are your intentions for 2024? I’d love to know!


In the Studio: Composition for telling nature stories


Find Beauty in the Darkness of Winter